Case Results

*Case results do not guarantee similar results.
  • Aggravated Driving

    A young woman charged with Aggravated Driving While Intoxicated and facing up to one year in jail was acquitted of the charge after trial.

  • Assault

    A young woman charged with Assault in the 2nd degree for striking another female with a wooden object and facing up to 7 years in prison, was acquitted of all charges after trial. The defendant was represented by Gregory Grizopoulos.

  • Assault 3rd Degree

    A man charged with Assault 3rd degree during a family wedding at Carltun at the Park was acquitted of all charges after trial. The defendant was represented by Gregory Grizopoulos.

  • Assault 3rd Degree

    A man charged with Assault 3rd degree was acquitted of all charges by a jury after trial.

  • Criminal Posession

    A man charged with Gang Assault 1st Degree, Criminal Possession of a Weapon 3rd Degree and other crimes, faced up to 25 years and deportation for the stabbing of another young man. The jury acquitted him of all the felony charges and hung on the lesser misdemeanor charge. Rather than a re-trial, we negotiated a sentence of time served. The defendant was represented by Gregory Grizopoulos.

  • Criminal Sex Act

    A jury acquitted a 40 year old man of Criminal Sex Act in the 1st Degree as a B Felony and Sexual Abuse. The defendant was represented at trial by Gregory Grizopoulos.

  • Driving While Impaired

    A jury acquitted a woman of Driving While Impaired by a Combination of Alcohol and Drugs as a Felony, Reckless Driving, Reckless Endangerment. She was also charged with the crime based upon driving with her child in the car. The defendant was represented at trial by Gregory Grizopoulos.

  • Drug Possession

    A man charged with felony drug possession based on police observation of what they believed was a drug sale, was acquitted by the jury after trial. The defendant was represented by Gregory Grizopoulos.

  • Drug Possession

    In a case where a young woman was charged with felony drug possession, we successfully negotiated a non criminal plea deal, avoiding a permanent criminal record and requiring only the payment of fines.

  • Drug Sales

    In a case where a man was charged with 2 drug sales, faced up to 7 years in prison, we replaced his attorney and were able to negotiate a treatment based plea which would result in the dismissal of all charges and no deportation or immigration consequences. The defendant was represented by Paul Portz.

  • DWI

    The jury acquitted a young man of all charges including Driving While Under the Influence of a Drug (VTL 1192.4 and 1192.4a). The defendant was charged with the crime after being involved in a motor vehicle accident on the Meadowbrook State Parkway. His blood test revealed the presence of an illegal drug. The defendant was represented at trial by Gregory Grizopoulos.

  • DWI

    In a case where a woman was charged with DWI with a blood alcohol content of .21%, the case was dismissed.

  • Felony Possession

    A man charged with felony possession of a loaded gun and drugs in a car he was driving and facing a mandatory 3½ to 5 years in prison was acquitted of the gun charge and all felony charges and served a local sentence of 8 months on a misdemeanor. The defendant was represented by Gregory Grizopoulos.

  • Gang Assault

    A man charged with Gang Assault in the 1st degree at a Holiday Inn Hotel in Westbury and facing up to 25 years in prison was acquitted of all charges after trial. The defendant was represented by Gregory Grizopoulos.

  • Gang Assault

    A man charged with Gang Assault 1st degree, a violent felony, and facing mandatory upstate prison up to 25 years, was acquitted by a jury after trial. The defendant was represented by Gregory Grizopoulos.

  • Grand Larceny

    A man was charged with Assault 2nd degree, and Attempted Grand Larceny 4th degree where 3 police officers were injured during the arrest when they were all hit by a car in the roadway. The jury acquitted him of all charges after trial. The defendant was represented by Gregory Grizopoulos.

  • Manslaughter

    In a case of Murder 2nd degree we successfully negotiated a plea deal to manslaughter thereby avoiding a life sentence. The defendant was represented by Paul Portz.

  • Manslaughter and DWI

    A U.S. Marine Corp officer charged with Manslaughter and DWI related to the death of 2 pedestrians was acquitted after trial of all the top charges and rather than the 15 year sentence he was offered before trial, he served 8 months in jail on the lesser charges. The defendant was represented by Gregory Grizopoulos.

  • Road Rage

    A man charged with firing a gun during a road rage incident in the Village of Hempstead was acquitted of that charge after a jury trial. The defendant was represented by Gregory Grizopoulos.

  • Sexual Misconduct

    A man charged with Sexual Misconduct for allegedly touching a female passenger as they rode in the back of a taxi cab was facing up to one year in jail and deportation. He was acquitted by a jury after trial. The defendant was represented by Gregory Grizopoulos.

  • Unlawful Fleeing

    The jury acquittal a young man who was charged with the misdemeanor crime of Unlawful Fleeing a marked police car, misdemeanor reckless driving, speeding, failing to stop at 3 stop signs and multiple other traffic infractions. Although the defendant signed a full confession to the crime, we were able to show it was fabricated by police and not the "confession" the police detective claimed it to be. The jury took only an hour to acquit the defendant of all charges. The defendant was represented by Gregory Grizopoulos who took over the case from another law firm. The case proceeded to pre-trial hearings and ultimately the trial. We would like to give a special thanks to Private Investigator James Canner for his thorough investigative work. Canner is a retired Detective/Lieutenant and commanding officer of the Long Beach City Police Department's Detective Division who often works with the attorneys at Grizopoulos & Portz, PC to assist in the investigative aspects of the defense.